Just to let you know- this blog is no longer active. I'll be keeping up my 101 in 1001 list until its completion, but will not be writing new posts. You can read the post below if you want the long version. Thanks for the journey to all my friends in the blogosphere!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Amazingly, Still on Course

I awoke this morning at 5:10, all ready for my big run.

No, not really. I woke up at that time (I think I was getting nervous about my run) but I definitely rolled over and went back to sleep. I did, however, faithfully get up at 7:30, put on my shoes, and hit the road, hoping that I could stay on pace so I could make it to church on time at 11:00.

Which I did. : )

I had a pretty good 13 miles by myself this morning, which was a big relief after last week's fail. I used power gels for the first time (I'll let you know about that later), wore my new cotton-free socks, and was even assisted by my husband! I left my water and gels on the porch and planned my run so I would go by there about every 4 miles or so. I was thrilled to jog up for my first refuel to find him sitting on the front porch in a rocking chair, reading the Sunday papers (how Southern Living) and he was kind enough to refill my water and throw away my trash for me.

So, I'm pointing towards 20 next week. Eek!

By the way, since I've been back in school (and pretending to be a healthy eater in front of my fourth graders all day), I've lost about 5 pounds. That's 5 less to carry on the marathon and I'm trying to make it 10 less by October 18th!


  1. what's your secret in losing the 5 pounds...im training for a half and haved GAINED 5 pounds!! it's killing me....

  2. That is awesome! You are going to kick marathon butt.

    (Very sweet of hubby to help you out.)

  3. Congrats on the 13 miler and being down 5 lbs! Good job! What are you eating?

  4. I haven't really been eating as well as I could, but I think the main difference is being back in school and in a routine. I eat cereal or oatmeal when I wake up, a somewhat healthy lunch with water in front of my kids, a granola bar or similar snack after school, and then whatever for supper.

    I really need to start watching supper, too and include more fruits and veggies. I'm trying to drink more water throughout the day, but I can't get too hydrated at school because I only have one chance during the day to run to the restroom.

  5. I definitely think it helps being at school - great job being a role model and losing weight! I read a great idea about bringing in food for the lil kids - shish ka bobs w/ fruit!! you cut up all the fruit and bring in sticks and they make their own. Lots of work but fun!!
