Just to let you know- this blog is no longer active. I'll be keeping up my 101 in 1001 list until its completion, but will not be writing new posts. You can read the post below if you want the long version. Thanks for the journey to all my friends in the blogosphere!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Big Ten!

Today was a FULL day at school. Not necessarily a bad day, but just one of those days that really illustrates what it's like to have 21 little (okay, actually, most of them have BIG) personalities from ages 8-11 in one little mobile unit for a full day of learning two different grade level curriculums. Near the end of the school day, I was worn out. The idea of my Wednesday long run seemed a little doubtful.

Something happened though in that magical moment when I saw all my little babies out to the buses. It was warm and pretty, and I had that mushy they-might-drive-me-crazy-but-I-love-these-children feeling I get a chance to breathe for a second. I collected my goodbye hugs and the unexpected look back and wave from a student who really needs and cherishes that last little bit of attention.

And suddenly, I got my second wind! Going home to run 10 miles seemed not only practical, but undeniably tempting! So, after a brief meeting, I was free to rush home, lace up, don my running skirt for the first time since autumn and I hit the road.

10 miles: done. It was a lovely, uneventful run.

Half-marathon in 11 days: suddenly realistic. I'm excited!


  1. WOW! That is awesome. When the school bell rang I got busy doing stuff that was not necessary. I get so easily distracted in the afternoons. But tomorrow I am going to be like YOU and change and leave on the bell!

  2. Don't you love when that happens? I on the other hand had the opposite occur when I lost my motivation to do anything. Good for you!

  3. Very exciting! Good luck on that half marathon! :)

  4. Yay for you!! That is fabulous! I can't wait to hear how your half goes!
